School Lunches

We avail of the School Meals Programme from the Department of Social Protection. This allows us to provide free lunches to our pupils for most of the school year. Lunches are not provided during the first few weeks of September. Instead you are asked to send a packed lunch with your child. The school will be in contact with parents in September with details about availing of the lunches. Our lunch provider will be “Fresh Today”

A number of years ago we introduced a Healthy Lunch Policy, which is working very successfully. We look forward to your co-operation to ensure its continued success. We ask that children only be given bread/sandwiches, fruit, yogurt and a drink. We have a few children in our school with severe nut allergies and therefore we ask that your child is never given nuts in their lunchbox.

No sweets, chocolate, glass bottles, fizzy drinks, cake, peanuts or crisps! Thank you!